Hey there fellow beginner French teacher. Are you feeling lost and confused about how to teach your beginner French class? Do you spend hours looking for beginner French lessons and beginner French worksheets? You are definitely in the right
Don’t forget to grab your beginner French freebie!
1. French Greetings and saluations

One of the first lessons I begin my beginner French class with is salutations and important questions! This beginner French worksheet is a great tool to practice those important questions students will be asking in French.
Bonus tip : I play musical chairs (without the chairs) and have students dance around the classroom. When the music stops, they have to find their closest peer and have a quick French conversation with them!
2. French vocabulary

This beginner French resource is a package of the most essential vocabulary beginner French students will learn in the first year of French.
It includes notes, worksheets and other tools on the following topics :
Pronunciation patterns, numbers, writing the date, colours, seasons, salutations, essential questions, pronouns, prepositions, interrogatory words, and basic vocabulary.
3. French school supply vocabulary

School supply vocabulary is one of the first things we cover in a beginner French class.
In my class, the first term of French class is intense speaking activities, much like a late immersion class. However, sometimes I need a break from the chaos and performance of this teaching style. For that reason, this resource comes in handy. Students can work independently or in partners on a series of vocab-based worksheets and activities on school supplies and my voice gets a break!
4. French indefinite and definite articles

In my classroom, I teach basic grammar and instead try to teach French in a more “natural” way. However, when I do need to teach grammar, I like my worksheets to be simple, aesthetically pleasing and efficient.
I use these notes and worksheets to teach my students indefinite and definite articles, as they pretty much are the foundations of the language!
5. Quelle heure est-il?

I am going to be honest — I do NOT love to teach time in French. I think this is probably because telling time is SO complicated in the French language.
That being said, I find that teaching students the 24-hour clock is actually really important due to its widespread use in universities and during overseas travel. I am also Canadian and Québec uses the 24-hour clock. For that reason, I teach how to read the clock AND telling time in French.
Finally, what I love about this resource is the game my students play to show their understanding of what they have learnt in this mini-unit.
All notes and worksheets included too!
6. Teaching French weather expressions

What is a MORE fun way of FSL students learning French weather vocabulary than becoming little meteorologists? This beginner French resource contains notes, worksheets, a peer survey, instructions and a rubric for weather presentations.
7. Me voici storybook

One of the very first units I begin with in FSL is an All About Me unit.
We learn adjectives, agreement, expressing our interests and preferences, etc.
At the end of the unit, students write picture books describing themselves and their preferences.
8. Food bingo freebie

Stop what you’re doing and go download this freebie pronto! My students absolutely LOVE playing food bingo. I laminate my bingo sheets and students circle their choices using whiteboard markers.
It also includes food bingo vocab worksheets.
9. Introduction aux verbes être et avoir

Everything you need to introduce your students to these important verbs is in this resource.
The resource includes step by step notes, practice, speaking and writing activities and task cards.
10. Le verbe aller et les endroits en ville

Aller et les endroits en ville is another unit my beginner FSL students complete.
They learn the verb aller, its’ conjugations, important prepositions, and location vocabulary.
One of my favourite activities in this resource is a Google Maps virtual tour activity. Students must find two locations in Québec on Google Maps and write a sentence describing what method of transport they should take between the two locations.
11. Introduction aux verbes réguliers

This was one of the first resources I ever made for my beginner French class. Don’t worry — it has been updated many times over the years!
It includes so many notes, worksheets, fun speaking and writing activities in order to help students master regular verbs in French.
12. Unité thématique : la nourriture

This is the final unit my beginner students complete and it is SO MUCH fun!
Students discover all about food and cooking vocabulary and complete a number of reading, speaking, writing AND reading and written comprehension activities.
13. Jeu de vocabulaire : la nourriture

I created this game to reinforce food vocabulary for my beginner students. I also play this in several different courses to refresh their memories when it comes to this essential vocabulary.
14. French verbs vouloir and pouvoir

Finally, I always end the year off by teaching the verbs vouloir and pouvoir. I keep it super simple and have my students complete listening comprehension activity and have them describes things they want vs. things they can do!
If you liked these beginner French resources, please share what you do in your class in the comments below!