
Get a FREE reading comprehension article on the origins of maple syrup & le temps des sucres

Teaching Ideas

French class shouldn't be boring!

From fun projects, to authentic resource discovery - we teach a course where opportunities for fun are truly endless!

Learning about climate change in french class

Who says that you have to learn about the harmful effects of our actions on the Earth in Science class only?

The best part about teaching a language is the fact that you can teach about so many topics!

Teach your students all about harmful effects of the overconsumption of meat, fast fashion, banana/avocado cultivation, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch & Christmas consumption. 

Project : a research project on students’ choice of harmful consumption habits

Engaging texts

In my classroom, we do not read about boring topics! Reading comprehension texts are one way I open my students’ eyes to the francophone world and unique cultural aspects. 

Use picture books to teach about grammar, description, culture, and so much more

Click each image to read more about all four of my (favourite) books below and how I use them in French class