Are you a French teacher looking for creative ways to teach French reflexive verbs? Here are some activities to get you started!
How should you teach French reflexive verbs?
I’m a really big fan of teaching French grammar in context. What does this mean? It means that instead of beginning my “unit” on reflexive verbs by having my students take notes on the grammar topic, I sprinkle reflexives into daily and weekly routines.
The goal is to have my students express themselves using French reflexives without knowing what exactly they are.
A really great way to do this is to include questions with French reflexive verbs in your Question du jour bell work. You can also do a weekly routine where students speak about their favourite routines.
French reflexive verbs list as a guide on which verbs to teach
A French reflexive verbs list has been included in the resource for you. It’s got all of the commonly used verbs students will need to be comfortable expressing themselves in.
Everything you need in one PDF – A French reflexive verbs resource for the Core French and/or French Immersion classroom

If you are looking for a resource that has reading, writing, and speaking activities to teach reflexive verbs to your students, you can grab this set from my TPT!
It’s got everything you’ll need and even more!
A French reading comprehension worksheet with reflexive verbs
I like to have students do tons of reading activities to see the French grammar concept in action.
Here’s a daily routine story I wrote myself with tons of high-frequency reflexive verbs.
If you know of French picture books with reflexives, please do be sure to share them with me in the comments below!

A list of French reflexive verbs to put up on your whiteboard – French reflexives word wall

It is super helpful to place high-frequency reflexive verbs somewhere where your students can see them.
We want our students to independently use French reflexives orally and in writing and a word wall is a great visual tool to make that happen.
French reflexive verbs list – an illustrated guide for students
A flip book for students with everything they need to know

Once your students are comfortable using the verbs independently, that is when I recommend teaching some of the grammar to them.
This flip book provides a step-by-step breakdown of the French grammar concept for students.
Tons of reading, writing, and speaking activities including French reflexive verb conjugation
French pronominal verbs list and reflexives in past tense

Last but not least, when your students are ready to dive into pronominal verbs in the passé composé, there are notes and practice activities ready for you and your students.
Teach reflexive verbs to your students with this no-prep resource