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10 French videos on dialects, linguistic diversity and discrimination

Blog featured image. Photo of a smartboard screen in a classroom. The text reads : French videos and documentaries on linguistic discrimination'.

It is no secret that there is much diversity within the French-speaking world. In fact, there is significant diversity within the Francophone world in Canada. Likewise, there is also shame associated with speaking a dialect of French other than standard French. Here are 10 French videos on linguistic discrimination for the French classroom.

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    Why should we teach about linguistic diversity and discrimination using French videos?

    Put it simply, France’s constitution prioritizes homogeneity. Thus, dialects and minority cultures have been pushed to the margins of society. As a result, there is often shame associated with speaking one’s own language.

    Unfortunately, this marginalization is also heavily present in Canada as a result of colonization.

    Therefore, the discrimination of French dialects is a huge problem in the French-speaking world. French videos are a really important way to foster empathy and critical thinking in our students.

    At the end of the day, we want to raise thoughtful and empathetic human beings. French videos and documentaries showcase new perspectives that allow us to do just that.

    Le goût des belvas (ONF) – a French documentary on Acadia and Chiac

    Firstly, Le goût des belvas is a beautiful story of an Acadian family from New Brunswick. The director has weaved together an engaging story based on food (blueberry pie), tradition, the Acadian dialect and family.

    This French video corresponds with units on food and/or tradition. There are two versions available – one in French with no subtitles and another in French with English subtitles.

    Le goût des belvas, Stéphanie David, offert par l’Office national du film du Canada

    Bittersweet Blues, Stéphanie David, provided by the National Film Board of Canada

    La parole est en jeu – Les Québécois (ONF)

    Secondly, the following three French videos focus on regional francophone identities in Canada.

    La parole est en jeu – Les Fransaskois (ONF)

    La parole est en jeu – Les Franco-Colombiens (ONF)

    5 francophones de l’Acadie ont un message pour le reste de la francophonie | Reportage Rad (YouTube)

    Next up is a fantastic French video on the experiences of 5 young Acadians. In this video, they share why they are proud to be Acadian.

    Maurice Richard (film)

    One of the worst kept Canadian secrets is the Anglophone hate for Québec.

    However, most Canadian youth are not aware of how the first Canadian government fuelled hatred between Francophones and Anglophones. For example, the film Maurice Richard sheds light on the discrimination that the Québecois experienced for centuries.

    Further, this film is ideal for intermediate-advanced French students. It explores the life and legacy of the legendary hockey player Maurice Richard. Subsequently, a major theme is the discrimination the Québécois hockey players experience in the NHL.

    Tintamarre en Acadie (ONF & Idello) – A French documentary on Acadian resilience

    Next up is an awesome French documentary on Acadian identity, history and resilience. Tintamarre is actually an Acadian celebration and tradition that occurs each year.

    Tintamarre – La piste Acadie en Amérique, André Gladu, offert par l’Office national du film du Canada

    D’où vient l’accent du Québec ? Histoire et origine du français canadien(YouTube)

    Lastly, this short video explains the origins of Québec and the history of the Québécois accent.

    Recommendations – French videos on linguistic diversity and discrimination

    Consequently, here are my top picks of French videos on linguistic discrimination in the French language. Additionally, if you have any recommendations for additional documentaries and/or videos, please feel to share with us below in the comments!

    Text reads : 10 French videos on French dialects, linguistic diversity and discrimination. The photo in the pin is of a classroom. We see tables and chairs in rows facing a Smartboard at the front of a classroom.

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