In my first year of classroom teaching, I taught both Core French and French Immersion at the secondary level. Oh my WORD was it a struggle. That year I made my own French graphic organizers to teach all major French reading, writing, research, and listening activities.
The French graphic organizers I’ve made aren’t just banal French worksheets or French Immersion worksheets. These are rich, meaningful activities to enhance French reading, writing, research, and listening lessons and activities in the French Immersion and/or Core French classroom.
All of these professional graphic organizers are available to purchase in my TPT.

French graphic organizers for French reading activities and lessons

I found it very challenging to find really good graphic organizers to accompany French reading activities and lessons.
For example, whether I was teaching a short story or doing a novel study, I was always on the search for graphic organizers that would help my students comprehend whatever it was that they were reading.
- le schéma narratif
- la lecture
- résumer la lecture
- l’analyse du personnage
- les traits du personnage
- analyser un poème
- comment écrire une analyse littéraire
- comment écrire un résume de livre
Graphic organizers for writing activities and lessons
I cannot rewind the clock and take back all of the PRECIOUS hours I spent translating English graphic organizers into français.
However, fellow French teacher, I can save you from repeating the same mistake!
These are the graphic organizers that will enhance all of the lessons you do in your classroom:
- écrire un paragraphe
- écrire un thèse
- écrire une dissertation
- écrire une introduction
- le concours d’art oratoire (deux pages)
- analyser un mot de vocabulaire

French graphic organizers for French research activities and lessons

I did a ton of research activities with my French Immersion students.
A lot of the time these tasks were directly connected to the French reading and writing units we were working on.
Other times I really wanted my French Immersion students to focus on a very specific skill and that’s where these research-themed graphic organizers came in super handy.
They include:
- la cause et la conséquence
- faire une remue-méningue
- les faits et les opinions
- déterminer la crédibilité d’une ressource
- mes recherches x2
- comparer et contraster
- la préparation du débat
- la grande question
- le tableau SVA
- les avantages et les inconvénients
- mes notes