Fun French projects for French class
However, how was I going to make my French projects fun, creative, engaging and meaningful opportunities for learning?
Get a FREE reading comprehension article on the origins of maple syrup & le temps des sucres
However, how was I going to make my French projects fun, creative, engaging and meaningful opportunities for learning?
Are you looking for creative and fun French activities to teach French adjectives? If so, you are definitely in the right place!
Teaching about Earth Day isn’t just for Science class. Here are 6 French Earth Day activities and resources for Core French & French Immersion teachers.
What mistakes do French teachers make when teaching French reading comprehension? Teachers often do not teach strategies to make a text less overwhelming!
I just completed a unit on French racial, ethnic, and religious inequalities with my students. Here are the resources used in our racism in France unit.
How sick are you of finding blog posts on teaching passé composé and then being disappointed? This blog contains fun and engaging..
Parfois je suis un renard is a picture book by Métis author Danielle Daniel. Daniel dedicated this book to Indigenous children.
This blog post contains activities, resources & ideas for beginner French classes. Whether you are preparing for a new school year or perhaps you’re in the middle of it, you will find inspiration for your classroom here!
To help reduce your lesson planning stress, I am sharing 10 of my favourite free French resources for Core French teachers!
These French Back to school activities make for a fun, organized, and stress-free rentrée scolaire. Build community & get to know your students in French.
Are you looking for an engaging way to teach and reinforce the imparfait to your intermediate French students? Are you also looking for community building activities for your classroom? This project does both!
Get a FREE activity to accompany the picture book Parfois je suis un renard