Dear French teacher. La rentrée scolaire is coming up and you are looking for meaningful French activities for the first two weeks of French class. I’ve got you covered with this post!
Build community in your French classes
One of the most important tasks during the first two weeks of la rentrée scolaire is to build community in your classroom. This is a process that needs to occur in every single class. Community is all about relationships. Therefore, set aside time in each class to get to know your students and for them to get to know you and how you work.
Introduce yourself with a PowerPoint
A classic way to share a little about yourself is to create a little slideshow and share some facts about yourself. I like sharing my background (that I am Punjabi), where I went to school in the city, a little about my family, and a few of my personal interests
Two truths and a lie
Two Truths and a Lie is such a fun game to play when you’re getting to know new people! Because it’s been a while since my students have spoken French, I actually play in English. However, if you teach more advanced students, you can definitely play in French! I have a free template available in my TPT if you want to save time and have one ready to print.
Team and partner games are a must
The first two weeks are essential in breaking the ice in the classroom among peers. Don’t assume that your students know each other already. Create space for partner and team games so that students can get to know each other more!
Co-create a list of class norms and expectations and have everyone sign them
This is a really great activity if you have students who are more mature. Divide them into groups of four and have them create a list of class norms and expectations that everyone will need to abide by. Then, get the groups to share out what class norms and expectations they came up with and create a central list.
At the end, you can also have everyone sign the central list.
Get your students to fill out surveys

This is an activity I have my students do every single year during la rentrée scolaire. I tell my students that it’s important to me to support them and their needs. I am always so amazed at what my students are willing to share with me. From the surveys, I create a small list of reminders and notes so I don’t forget who needs to sit at the front of the room and who hates to be called on!
Make your expectations very clear from the beginning
Here, I am not only referring to behaviour expectations, but I am also referring to the question….
How will I be successful in X’s class?
What do students need to know to be successful in your classroom? Dear teacher, it is YOUR job to make that exceptionally clear to your students. Each teacher is very different. It is not fair to students to have to figure this out on their own when teachers can be so particular about what they are looking for.
Build space for voice & choice in your French class with these French activities
This is the part that refers to students’ input! It is so, so important to have space for student input in your classroom. What do they want to learn?
Post-it note activity – what do I need to be successful? What kinds of assessments do I like to do? What do I want to learn this year?
This is the part where you ask your students for their input. I love doing this French activity with my own grade 9-11 students. I start by handing out Post-it notes. Students get about 3-4. On each of the Post-its, have your students write their answers to the questions anonymously. I like to ask the following questions :
- What do I need to be successful in this class?
- What kinds of assessments do I like to do?
- What do I want to learn this year?
- What is one skill I’d like to improve this year?
When they’re done, have your students post their Post-it on the board along with their peers. I also like giving them some time to read what their peers have written.
French activities like this one are an absolute must in getting to know your students and having them open up to you!
Goalsetting for the year
We definitely cannot begin the school year without some goal-setting! There are tons of free sheets you can find on Google or you can even make your own version that is particular to your students and your environment.
- what is one thing you’re good at in French class?
- what skill would you like to work towards improving this school year in French class?
Review major concepts by playing fun French games
In the first two weeks of school, I play French games at least every other class. I love to review all sorts of topics and content from the previous year with games.
I have a blog post dedicated to all of my favorite French games that you can read all about.
Explore your students’ identities with these French activities
Me voici activities are an essential during la rentrée scolaire! These French activities can either focus on review, exploration of identities, goalsetting and so much more! Here are some fun options for your students! These French activities are perfect for Core French or French Immersion. Keep in mind that I teach French 8-11 and so these activities have been made for that age group.
Get your students moving & interacting with Back to School Stations
Engage your high school Core French or French Immersion students with French Back to School stations.
These French Back to School stations are ideal for any high school French teacher who is interested in teaching classroom routines, procedures, and key skills in an interactive and creative manner.
We don’t expect elementary students to sit and be silent for 75 minutes during la rentrée scolaire, and we certainly should not expect that of our high school students.
What stations are included?
- Station 1 : Pourquoi apprendre le français? Learn about the status of the French language worldwide
- Station 2 : L’intégrité académique et le plagiat. Students will explore your school’s and your classroom’s policies on academic dishonesty.
- Station 3 : Mes buts pour cette année scolaire. Watch two super fun pep talks and deep dive into goal-setting.
- Station 4 : Quel type d’élève suis-je? Get your students to evaluate their work habits
- Station 5 : Le système scolaire en France. An easy reading comprehension article for intermediates OR YouTube video for beginners on the French school system.

Build community, review key vocabulary, and MOVE with Four Corners
Whether it is la rentrée scolaire or you are starting a brand new semester, this French Four Corners game is the perfect way to review French AND get to know your Core French and/or French Immersion students.
This French game has been created by a Core French teacher (hello – me!) to review French vocabulary, basic structures, and, most importantly, to get students moving and chatting!

Play an icebreaker your introverted students won’t hate

Brisez la glace cette rentrée scolaire avec ce brise-glace. This French Back to School icebreaker is perfect for high school Core French or French Immersion classes.
It is a low-pressure activity that your introverted students will not despise. Additionally, review or soft-launch your French students into passé composé with this 25-slide French game.
Beginner-friendly Me Voici
This Me voici activity is one I do with my second-year Core French students (grade 9s). It includes a review of simple questions that students learned last year. The goal is to once again be able to describe our personalities with simple questions and responses.

Intermediate-Advanced Me Voici

This Me voici activity is more of a goalsetting activity for the year. It includes a few different activity options!
You deserve a stress-free rentrée scolaire. Let me do the planning for you.

Teach your French routines one at a time
The first two weeks of school are also a really important time to teach your French routines. Routines include simple things like HOW to put up chairs to other fun, creative routines like Question du jour, speed dating, expression argotique de la semaine, etc!
If you’re hearing about these routines for the first time, definitely go read this blog post first where I describe all of the fun French routines I do with my own Core French kiddos.
But seriously, be meticulous about the routines you teach! Don’t assume that your students know what to do. As a matter of fact, assume they know NOTHING and teach everything! If you see that they’re leaving the classroom a mess, drop EVERYTHING and re-teach the routine!
I personally don’t overload them and I teach one to two routines a day (e.g. question du jour and how to clean up before the bell).